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How to reduce your ecological impact when traveling?

Do you want to reduce your ecological impact when traveling without compromising your desire for adventure? At home and on the road, our choices and behaviors have an impact on the environment. Whether it is through the food and water we consume, the products we buy or the waste and the carbon dioxide we reject, […]

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Women Traveling Alone Important Safety Tips

It would be unrealistic to treat women and men in the context of travel the same. Women traveling alone are more often affected by differences in social relations and local religious beliefs. However, the attention you give the male does not mean that the situation is problematic in itself. You sometimes attract male attention in […]

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Winter or summer holidays? Which one do you prefer?

Hot, sunny weather against cold, snowing weather. Which one do you really prefer and should you consider when planning your holiday? There are people that know which type of weather they prefer and they are making sure that they are making bookings in the country that is offering them the weather that they prefer. However, […]

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